Sunday, March 21, 2010

It's a Piece 'o Cake!

As I am a girl with a very dear love for baked goods, birthdays are my time to shine. Whether its cookies, cupcakes, or the traditional birthday cake, I try to put a lot of work into it. I want to create something unique for the people I love. Yesterday, I completed my most recent birthday cake for one of my friends, Geoff. Being a fellow fan of the show Frisky Dingo, I decide that Killface would fit his specifications of white cake with vanilla frosting. Thus, we have Cakeface:

A few other semi-recent birthday creations:
Kate's Cake:
For a fellow painting major, we have here a chocolate funfetti palette cake with marshmellow fluff paint:
Drew's Cookie Volcano:
Drew had a potluck for his birthday. When I realized that I couldn't actually get him a suckling pig with a spit, a cookie volcano was the obvious second choice. I baked somewhere around 80 chocolate chip cookies and 40 funfetti and dubbed it, Mount Chocomanjaro. The premise was that both the cowboys and native americans find a common enemy in the volcano. They must protect themselves from the chocolate syrup lava!



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