Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Making The Best Of It

One of the early assignments for my Variable Topics of Drawing class involved making some smaller collages. Today, I submitted one of my favorites to EVERYTHING(an alternative art magazine). I used the layering of red mesh to create this composition. I'm really interested in materials of different transparencies, and the relationship and commentary they can create. This piece is an example of using the same material and transforming it into different hues and shapes. One of the constant lessons that I am learning is that you don't need a million different ingredients to create something beautiful or meaningful. Barbara introduced us to a poem by Kay Ryan entitled "The Best of It", that I feel describes this aspect of the piece:

The Best of It

However carved up
or pared down we get,
we keep on making
the best of it as though
it doesn't matter that
our acre's down to
a square foot. As
though our garden
could be one bean
and we'd rejoice if
it flourishes, as
though one bean
could nourish us

This poem really speaks to me in terms of artwork and life in general. Only having "one bean" in your garden, you put all of your love and care into its well-being. This minimalist love helps us grasp the importance and sometimes need for simplicity. As a painter, I feel most successful when I can describe a lot with a small amount of mark. Within this collage, I am attempting to nurture this singular material in order to produce something nourishing. By "making the best of it" you can turn something average into something extraordinary. In a world of complexity and chaos, sometimes the simple, little things are the ones that make us stop and "rejoice."

In a less technical and material based approach, my connection to this piece, other than being the creator of it, lies in the cellular qualities of the structures. While putting all of the pieces together, I noticed how much these forms reminded me of blood cells. These tiny things that are a living part of you. You don't necessarily think about them on a daily basis, but they are constantly with you. In life, I feel like the little things are what make you special. Its a little bit of yourself and the "one bean [that] could nourish us."

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lets go to Vegas and Env-elope! Adventures in Mail Part 2

This morning, I sent out my first art house co-op project! I love the idea of a kick-ass space ballerina, so I figured what the hay. What could be more fun than tutus and lasers? I drew on tracing paper than glued it on top of a watercolor of mine. It didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it to, but its supposed to be a fun and carefree piece. I hope you enjoy it! Email me if you want something sent to you.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lets go to Vegas and Env-elope! Adventures in Mail Part 1

Ever since I was a young-in, I always loved getting mail. There is something about this box, envelope, or postcard making its way through the world just to find you. You are the destination and it literally has your name on it. Its very gratifying. As we get older, the envelopes and what's inside them tend to get less fun. I am getting into mail art as a connection to my social projects. I am developing ideas for a project called Mail Me Something through the
art house co-op. Basically, I have free reign as long as it is no bigger than 4x6. My latest mail project came about with my love of making people smile. I decided to make a postcard for my extremely cool friend, Kyle. He shares my interest in the walking dead, so I printed my zombie etching on orange cardstock and sent it on its way. The card was received with a "you made my week" :)

Sketchbook Pg3

So I went through a bunch of my art utensils that I have collected throughout the years and noticed that I had a ton of blue. Crayola and Prismacolor mixed with off brand and no brand markers and pens at varying dryness. I decided it would be fun to doodle and use different different utensils for different details. Here are some drawings!